Using the science of Applied Positive Psychology, we practice a strengths-based approach to enhancing your leadership and life.
Curious About Coaching?
Let’s take 20 minutes to connect with no commitment, pressure, or obligation to discuss your goals and dreams, and explore ways we can collaborate!
Coaching is a professional relationship that enhances your ability to learn, make changes, and achieve desired goals. Coaching is chiefly about discovery, awareness, and choice. Your Coach will help you find your own answers, while encouraging, challenging, and supporting you on your path to self-discovery.
Your Coach provides structure, feedback, perspective, skill-building techniques, and smart questions. Your Coach will help you clarify your intentions, set specific goals, create an action plan, and hold you accountable as you stay focused and reach your goals. Together, you evaluate options, make decisions, track your progress, and celebrate achievements.
A coaching conversation has certain beliefs and assumptions built into it:
That every situation has possibilities and that people really do have the power of choice in their lives.
The coaching relationship assumes that you are creative, resourceful, and whole – operating from a position of strength and capability, rather than weakness and limitation. Coaching facilitates discovery by assisting you to find your own unique answers.
While coaching can be consultative, it is not consulting.
Your coach provides her expertise whenever it is useful, but never does things for you. The primary role of your coach is to listen, question, observe, pinpoint, re-frame, and articulate. The plans you make are your own.
While coaching can be educational, it is not teaching.
Coaching reinforces learned concepts and skills until they become second nature. Your Coach often provides skills training in the “need-to-know” moment that formal teaching misses. She also helps you discover how much you already know. You learn more by discovering your own answers than by hearing them from someone else.
While coaching is often therapeutic, it is not therapy.
The focus of coaching is on taking a hard look at what a fulfilling life looks like for you. We then identify specific plans, actions steps, and ways of thinking that will move you towards achieving your desired goals. It looks at the future, not the past.
Coaching is focused on who you want to be in life and taking action to get there.
It is not focused specifically on creating healing. And yet, an outcome of coaching can be that healing takes place. Coaching can work well alongside therapy as a way to augment the healing that takes place, and brings that learning into your daily awareness. Why you are the way you are doesn’t matter in coaching. What matters is how you want to be.
Coaching unlocks a person’s potential to maximize his or her own performance.
By working with clients to integrate the goals of their daily lives, coaching helps them bring into focus what matters to them and then apply that knowledge towards stepping powerfully into a personally fulfilling life.
Coaching focuses on what clients want and who they want to become.
People come to coaching because they want things to be different or are motivated to achieve specific goals. They come to coaching in order to be more effective or more satisfied at work, at home, and in other spheres of their lives. Some want more from life – more balance, more order, more peace, more joy, more fulfillment. They want a better overall quality of life.
Whatever your individual reason for wanting to work with a coach, it all starts with your personal intentions and desires.
What do you desire to do with your life?
Who do you want to become?
What is holding you back?
Wouldn’t it be nice to take the first step to find out?
Let’s Connect
Email: Leslie@LeadWithIntention.com
Mobile: 310.409.9240
2214 21st Street Sacramento, CA 95818
(inside The Makers Place™)