Values Matter.

They define what we stand for and serve as a compass for the choices we make in our leadership and life.

Join us each month as we explore a new value and how it guides and empowers this chapter of your journey.

Leslie Bosserman Leslie Bosserman

Asking and Inviting

How often do we wait until we’re overly frustrated with something we can’t do before we reach out and ask for help?

Admitting when we aren’t capable of doing something is hard and can even be pretty scary (especially something we should be able to do). After all, we want to come across as capable, have-it-all-together people who offer help to others – not admit we need it ourselves.

This month, we’re going to be exploring the value of collaboration and how we can work together to be even better, starting with asking and inviting.

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Leslie Bosserman Leslie Bosserman

Stop “Shoulding” On Yourself

How many times have you thought or even said “I really should…” in the last 24 hours?

Known as the “s” word of busy people, the act of “shoulding” all over ourselves and others is the fastest route to blame, guilt, and even shame.

Imagine what life would be like if you embraced more self-compassion and ditched this default reaction of “shoulding” and ruminating on what didn’t happen or hasn’t occurred yet.

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Leslie Bosserman Leslie Bosserman

Raising Resilient Children

What if you decided to live this year differently?

Imagine how your personal life, professional career, and family would change. Are you proud of your life now? Or do you need to make some changes?

As we welcome a new year, it’s time to develop more resilience in ourselves and our children so we are stronger and more equipped for whatever is ahead!

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Leslie Bosserman Leslie Bosserman

What’s NOW for you?

As we wrap up another full year, what’s NOW for you?

Take a moment a reflect on what this year has held and what you’re proud to have experienced and completed – or simply started – before forging ahead to the next thing. While being future-focused serves a purpose, it also takes us away from being present and reflecting on our lives now. This month, join us as we practice the value of reflection.

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Leslie Bosserman Leslie Bosserman

Embracing Gratitude

As we welcome a new month and get closer to the end of another year, let’s take a moment to reflect on what is working – and even wonderful – in our lives!

This month, we’ll be refocusing on the core value of gratitude and how being thankful can improve how we live and lead.

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Leslie Bosserman Leslie Bosserman

Cultivating Creative Capital

What if you measured your wealth based on how creative you are, not how much money you make?

This month, we’ll be focusing on acknowledging, expressing, and cultivating our “creative capital” – the intrinsic assets you have to dream, design, and develop new ideas!

Here are four of our favorite strategies as you start exploring and enhancing your creative capital!

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Leslie Bosserman Leslie Bosserman

Celebration Saboteurs

As summer transitions to fall, there is a natural change in the rhythm of our lives.

There may be certain things that have shifted that we must release.

Instead of mourning what has been lost or feeling weighed down by what hasn’t happened yet, this month we invite you to pause and ponder what moments you can honor and celebrate now.

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Leslie Bosserman Leslie Bosserman

Purposeful Presence

Have you ever felt happy, but not fulfilled?

Like you were showing up to your life in the only way you knew how, but still not getting what you needed?

You were made for more, my friend.

It's time to show up with more purposeful presence!

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Leslie Bosserman Leslie Bosserman

Becoming a Life Explorer

Sometimes, we simply need to create more space to explore where we already are instead of going somewhere new.

This is the true test of exploration – to be where you are and still find the adventure!

This summer, instead of experiencing travel FOMO and thinking of all the places you’re not, let’s embrace our reality and explore where we are right now.

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Leslie Bosserman Leslie Bosserman

Three Steps Closer to Joy

Over the centuries, many individuals and great minds have contemplated the difference between happiness and joy. A simple Google search will leave you with pages of hits and thousands of results.

So what’s the bottom line?

This month, join us on a 30-day joy-seeking adventure to discover more ways to embrace joyful living as we start the summer!

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Leslie Bosserman Leslie Bosserman

Spark Your Curiosity

Expressing curiosity for the world around you is one of the best ways to enhance your overall well-being!

Join us this month as we share three simple strategies to spark your own curiosity!

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Leslie Bosserman Leslie Bosserman

Live With Integrity

Is how you show up now who you want to be known as?

This is what defines your integrity – walking your walk and talking your talk with consistency so you become the person you’re proud of.

This month, join us on a self-reflective journey exploring who we desire to become and how we can begin to live more fully with integrity.

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Leslie Bosserman Leslie Bosserman

A Life of Enough

If you are guilty of structuring your days around task completion and the ever-elusive “to do” list, only to feel like there’s never “enough” time in the day to get it all done, then you’re not alone…

As multi-passionate entrepreneur raising three young kids while running two businesses, I can relate.

How are you living your days that make up these precious years?

This month, join us as we embrace a life of “enough” and explore the core value of sufficiency.

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Leslie Bosserman Leslie Bosserman

Vulnerability Takes Courage

It takes courage to be vulnerable.

Courage requires you to be invested in action and have some skin in the game. To be willing to step into the arena and try.

As we started a new year, we helped you focus on defining your vision and really getting clear on what you want and need most now.

This month, we’re taking it a level deeper and asking you to dig into areas where you can have more courage because you’re willing to step out and be vulnerable.

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Leslie Bosserman Leslie Bosserman

New Year. New Vision.

As we start a new year, take some time to consider how 2024 will change you.

What are you ready to activate this year?

Consider what you’re craving to unleash most now.

Using the intentions you set for the new year, now it’s time to create a vision for how you want to BE in the year ahead! Use the questions in our 2024 Vision Reflection Guide to go deeper.

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Leslie Bosserman Leslie Bosserman

The Power in Acceptance

Wouldn’t it be amazing if the year 2023 was remembered as a time you found more peace and acceptance in your life?

As we end this dynamic year, let’s pause together to consider what we’ve learned, how we’ve changed, and what we’re taking with us and choosing to leave behind.

Maybe there is something (or many things) that have happened this year that you never would have chosen, yet still experienced and endured. You likely are still enduring some of these and have the ability to choose how you’re living in this season.

There’s power in acceptance.

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Leslie Bosserman Leslie Bosserman


Everyday, we have the amazing opportunity to notice and acknowledge the many moments of goodness, light, peace, and fulfillment. Gratitude for the life we live abounds as we appreciate what is present in this moment, and the next moment, and then the next.

This month, join us in a reflective practice of gratitude as we share more about how actively giving thanks can improve your health and happiness. We’ve included some of our favorite gratitude traditions that you can practice with your family and invite you to join our #30DaysOfGratitude Challenge!

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Leslie Bosserman Leslie Bosserman

Harnessing Hope

What do you hope for? This is one of those BIG, deep questions that we often don’t give a lot of mental airtime to answering.

Especially during seasons of uncertainty, we have the opportunity to refocus on the things that matters most to us – our priorities, relationships, goals, and desires.

This month join us as we discover what fuels our hope and how to become more hopeful in our lives now.

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Leslie Bosserman Leslie Bosserman

Increasing Your Focus

Your performance, health, and happiness are grounded in how well you manage your energy – not your calendar!

Psychological research has shown that energy is our most important resource and is the distinguishing factor for high performance and our ability to focus.

No matter how strategic a time manager you are, without knowing how to use your energy, you still will feel drained, disconnected, and discouraged. Join us this month as we use the science of Energy Management to increase your productivity and focus!

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Leslie Bosserman Leslie Bosserman

Learned Optimism

Even (and especially) when things seem bleak, science shows us that we can learn how to choose optimism.

Join us this month as we share more about how to learn to be more optimistic and raise resilient children!

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Lead With Your Values

If you’re craving more support and need to realign with your values, we’re here to champion and challenge you.

Learn more about how we can collaborate!