your CULTURE defines your WORK
driven by values
powered by people
energized by ideas
We Offer Customized Consulting Packages for Organizations and Teams
In order to improve what you produce, you have to analyze how you work and what’s actually working. Our comprehensive suite of services offers organizational and education teams of all sizes support through:
Applying our premier Culture Circle™ Model
Onsite Organizational Analysis and 360 Feedback
Strengths Identification and Development
Leadership Training and Coaching Services
According to a report compiled by The UN World Commission on Culture and Development, “Culture is the whole complex of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features that characterizes a society or a group. It includes creative expressions, community practices and material or built forms.”
Simply put, our culture influences how we think, act, and create our lives. It is both intrinsic and learned, and has many complex facets created throughout one’s lifetime experiences and interactions.
Through supporting numerous clients around the world, we’ve witnessed the impact of cultural influences firsthand and, in turn, have developed an easy way to discuss cross-cultural interactions within organizational and team settings using The Culture Circle™ and it’s three expanding spheres.