I see you. Two sips in to your second cup of re-heated coffee, trying to multi-task like a champion (and it isn’t even 8:00am).
I see you. Holding on to dreams that are even bigger than the piles of unfolded laundry on your couch. Dreams that may feel like they’re “on hold” as you wipe tiny hands, shuttle children between school and soccer, and wonder when you will ever get a minute to yourself.
I see you. Up early before the sun (and maybe even the kids), working on your latest project while the house is still quiet. Then, back at it again after everyone else is asleep, serenaded by the hum of your dishwasher and the internal drive to hustle…or at least try!
I see you. Putting so many others before yourself every day. While it may feel like you’re living in fast forward AND slow motion at the same time – know that, one day, your house will be a lot quieter and emptier, and you will have more time than you could ever imagine. And you will miss all of this.
I see you.
You’ve already made the best thing in your life. You created life (maybe even more than once!). Now let me help you create the NEXT best thing as you activate your dreams and get the support you crave.
Running a business (or two!) while managing the dynamics of a family is not for the faint of heart. It takes creativity, grit, ingenuity, and perseverance. And it’s exhausting. And exhilarating. But mainly exhausting…
But it doesn’t have to be.
You are not alone.
We have a Community.
Our Mompreneur Mastermind™ Community is intentionally designed to support, stretch, encourage, and challenge you as you strive to make progress around specific goals or projects within the next three months.
We’ve designed this in-person program around the unique needs and goals of the busy Mompreneur to create a powerful community of support that builds your local network.
Maybe you…
Are craving more. Ready to step into a bigger game, but unsure how to navigate what’s ahead.
Have been hustling for so long that you’re tired and need some motivation and new perspective.
Are ready to make significant progress on a big goal or dream that’s been on your back burner.
Crave genuine connection and support from other Mompreneurs who GET IT.
Want more in-person accountability and encouragement from an equally-invested community.
Are ready to make some positive and lasting change in your life.

Ready for more?
Join our Next Mastermind Cohort!
What Is Masterminding?
Imagine what it would be like to have your own personal advisory committee or board of directors available to help you reach greater personal and professional success.
No doubt, the insight, instruction, feedback, and advice offered would prove invaluable to your growth and development, allowing you to reach beyond what you ever thought possible!
Here are some of the core elements of our Mompreneur Mastermind™ Community that make this experience so powerful!
Program Structure
Three-months of bi-weekly (twice per month) 90-minute group Mastermind sessions
Exclusive and intimate setting of up to eight Mompreneurs in each cohort
In-person meetings hosted at The Makers Place™ in Sacramento
Your Investment
Only three hours per month of in-person time
Easy payment options:
$89/month – Early Enrollment Pricing
$97/month – Three Monthly Payments
$250 – One-time discounted payment for the full three-month program
We offer three flexible payment options to accommodate your budget and payment preferences.
Community Bonuses
Virtual resource hub to expand connection and accountability
Discounted Professional Leadership Coaching (1:1 sessions)
Discounted membership options at The Makers Place™
Dates + Details
The dates for our next cohort launch are currently pending based on interest.
Once scheduled, the Mastermind cohort will run for six sessions bi-weekly for 90 minutes in person at The Makers Place™ in Sacramento. If you are interested in joining us, please apply online here and we will follow up to confirm details.
Session dates and times for our Mompreneur Mastermind™ Communities are based on applicant’s preferences and availability as we customize our meeting for each cohort. Specific dates and times of our sessions will be set once we have at least 4-6 confirmed participants that can meet at the same time.
If you cannot join us this time, please email Leslie@LeadWithIntention.com to share your interest and we’ll follow up with more details when we re-open enrollment for future cohorts.