create transformation
custom retreats + offsite facilitation services
Whether you’re craving a personal escape to reconnect with yourself or you’re planning an offsite training or team retreat, our team can support your discovery, growth, and transformation.
Retreat + Offsite Facilitation
Planning an offsite team experience and need support?
Our team can do everything from designing multi-day retreat experiences to coming in for an hour to lead a strategy session or leadership training. Let us know what level of support you need at this stage so we can partner together!
Our team specializes in:
Retreat Program Design + Logistics
Strategy Sessions for Teams
Strengths Based Leadership
And other amazing training topics!
Start here by filling out our offsite Interest Form and we’ll be in touch within 48 hours to discuss options for collaboration!
Deep Dive Personal Retreat
Ready to take your leadership and career to the next level?
This all-day career-intensive retreat is a chance to dive deeper into the driving and restraining forces in your life so you can make some big changes! Created as a bespoke in-person experience, each Deep Dive Retreat is customized to meet your special goals and preferences.
This Retreat Is Ideal If You Are:
At a “plateau” in your current field or position
Tired of reaching out to potential employers with little success or feedback
Ready to dedicate focused time to your career exploration and development
Energized by in-person partnerships and collaboration
Curious how your natural strengths can drive your career path
Willing to commit to making transformational changes in your leadership to land the career you desire
Your Retreat Includes:
Initial 45-minute Foundation Session held virtually two-weeks prior to your retreat
One-day (6 hours) of custom-designed career coaching and leadership training (in-person); option to extend into a multi-day experience as desired
Strengths Assessment and Debrief
Resume, Cover Letter, and LinkedIn review prior to retreat
Personal Leadership Manifesto Exercise
Unlimited email support and feedback within 30-days after your retreat
Discounts on other coaching and training services
Your Investment:
Beginning at $1000
Initial $500 deposit due upon scheduling; payment plans are available
Transportation, overnight lodging, and meals/beverages are not included