we support creative professionals who are becoming their next best thing
Hey, that’s me!
Who you want to BE should shape what you choose to DO
(not the other way around)
From a young age, we’re asked the common question: “What do you want to do when you grow up?” But how often do we stop and reflect on WHO we want to BE as well? The person we become is a direct byproduct of all the action and DOing that keeps us so busy and should be aligned with our values and beliefs.
What are you so busy with now that is shaping your life?
Create a Life Dynamic That Works for You
(and the myth of “life balance”)
Did you know that in order to be in balance, you have to be completely still? While stillness and peace are essential, they don’t typically make up the majority of our day. Instead, let’s design a life dynamic that works for the rhythm of how you want your days to feel to achieve success. Whether you’re a solo parent juggling it all or an Executive Leader rallying your team (or both!), our diverse programs and services will support your individual and organizational needs.
Plan the event.
Don’t plan the outcome.
Influence Is Sharing Ideas That Matter
Values-Driven Leadership
Read our latest values-driven leadership reflections shared monthly to help you live and lead with intention.
I cannot say enough about Leslie and the critical difference she has made as I’ve become a more confident and empathic leader. As an Executive Leadership Coach and author, Leslie is sincere and authentic about her purpose and mission, building a bridge that helps others feel safe enough to be vulnerable to reach the areas that enable real discovery and transformational change. Leslie helps you to understand what toolbox you need to create for the journey that is in front of you.
Andre' Doxey
SVP/Head Of Product Design at the LEGO Group
Having seen all the urgency, burnout, ups and downs of the tech startup world, it's clear to me how critical Emotional Endurance is to crafting a successful career and life. Leslie's blend of wisdom, empathy, and tactical guidance provides the perfect roadmap for how to build these muscles.
Camille Ricketts
Operating Partner of Emergence Capital
Leslie has the amazing ability to help the people around her dream bigger, find their voice, and take a leap into action. She's an amazing changemaker and her book will help so many follow in her footsteps in creating a life of impact.
Alex Budak
Co-Founder of StartSomeGood

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